Sunday, 9 October 2011

Night Photography Tuition

Have you ever wondered how to focus in the darkness, wanted to capture the earth’s rotation in a circle of stars above you. Wanted to use the still of the night as your canvas to create against.
Well now you can with confidence and ease.
With this trio of recognised night time photographers
  • International award winning and published photographer Diana Goss MSc ARPS
  • Winner of the Digital Photographer of the year in 2010 and the very well published Urban Legend Marc Bower Briggs.
  • And our multi colour gel loving light popper extraordinaire Elmer Maniebo
are all wiling to share their expertise and knowledge with you in an unforgetable night-time tutorial?

Church Lane, 
West Sussex. 
PO18 0ED

Whats in it for me?
5 hours of night time delight all the details of which are on our night photography facebook page.

The cost of this night of five hours teaching both educational and practical out on location will be only £60 per person.
Minimum of 6 students - maximum of 18 per teaching. This provides you with a 1-6 ratio of students per tutor so you all get expert one to one tuition on the night.

Occasionally we have other guest experts in night time photography who may or may not come out with the group. Nothing is arranged you might just get lucky on the night you pick. You will always have Diana.

All payments must be made in advance of the teachings details are on facebook

Send an email to this address and we can add you to the night time photography group.

or you can call me on 07770 453 693

thank you


Saturday, 8 October 2011

Look how the stars shine for me

Relax and enjoy a trip into the inky darkness with me

Into the Darkness

I have a passion for expressing light in creative ways at night and adore the challenge of night photography. Obtaining light out of the darkness just thrills me. The still of the night holds an ambience for me unlike any other time for shooting.
When others sleep I find a restless desire to explore the endless possibilities hidden in the dark. 

My ambition is to present a gallery of night exploration the goes beyond the norm of time unseen, imagined, dreamed.  

Lucky enough to grow up in a family of photographers my early years were spent rocking developer trays, holding the hose into the developer tank and hanging out dripping wet images in a little green caravan by the side of the house. My father would often disappear for days on end in this quirky little darkroom.
From those early days watching the light and shadows develop before me, I was hooked on the mystery and subtlety of the interplay of light and exposures.
I express of lot of my feelings in my self portrait work, it helps me to process my life's transitions and painful challenges 

This blog will progress that journey