Saturday, 8 October 2011

Into the Darkness

I have a passion for expressing light in creative ways at night and adore the challenge of night photography. Obtaining light out of the darkness just thrills me. The still of the night holds an ambience for me unlike any other time for shooting.
When others sleep I find a restless desire to explore the endless possibilities hidden in the dark. 

My ambition is to present a gallery of night exploration the goes beyond the norm of time unseen, imagined, dreamed.  

Lucky enough to grow up in a family of photographers my early years were spent rocking developer trays, holding the hose into the developer tank and hanging out dripping wet images in a little green caravan by the side of the house. My father would often disappear for days on end in this quirky little darkroom.
From those early days watching the light and shadows develop before me, I was hooked on the mystery and subtlety of the interplay of light and exposures.
I express of lot of my feelings in my self portrait work, it helps me to process my life's transitions and painful challenges 

This blog will progress that journey 

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